Our Team Of Experts
Dedicated to Elevating HR Operations in Schools with Streamlined Processes and Unwavering Compliance.

Paulette Bywater
HR Manager
Paulette has over 27 years local government experience, the last 7 working in the education sector supporting Leeds schools.
Paulette is a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) graduating back in the day! (2003) and has worked at a senior Business Partner level in HR for over 15 years including in Leeds City Council’s Schools Team.
Paulette is highly experienced in all HR matters including change management and prides herself on her partnership working with the local authorities and trade union colleagues, providing timely, practical, solutions focused advice.
Paulette is a Co-opted Governor of a Leeds Primary School.
Click Here view our HR services.
Interesting Facts: Paulette swam for the City of Leeds and played hockey for Adel Ladies in her youth. Paulette was also a Ball- girl in the Leeds European Water polo Championships and got lots of free Arena sportswear as part of the role.

Lisa Kent
HR Manager
Lisa has over 25 years’ experience working in HR in both FE/HE settings and schools in Leeds and Bradford, with 20 years at a Senior Business Partner level.
Lisa started working for schools in 2015, initially in Bradford before joining Dave and Paulette at Carr Manor Support Services in February 2018.
Lisa is highly experienced and is a calming individual to have around, Lisa puts a personal pride on effective process management and restorative conversations.
Lisa is a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and also holds an ACAS Certificate in Internal Workplace Mediation.
Interesting Facts: Lisa has adopted a rescue dog called Norman! Lisa also loves all things vintage!

Dave Wood
Senior HR Business Partner
Dave has over 25 years’ experience working in the Education sector in Leeds. Dave previously led the successful and popular traded HR model as Principal HR Business Partner and Team Leader for Leeds City Council.
Dave’s career took him to work for Carr Manor Community School where he was responsible for the creation and running of the Carr Manor Support Services HR traded offer which went from supporting just one school to over 50 schools in 6 years.
Dave identified and recruited the exceptional team that now makes up Bywater Kent Support Services Ltd. Dave continues to support the delivery of a high quality HR advice and consultancy service to schools, working alongside the Bywater Kent Support Services Ltd Team.
Interesting Facts: Dave has a superpower - Dave is a human Satnav and frequently navigates his way across the city of Leeds without the need for an actual Satnav. Dave is also Grandad to 5 Grandchildren including twins!

Richard Lewis-Ogden
Data Protection Officer
Richard is the Data Protection Officer for a number of high schools, primary schools, Multi Academy Trusts, nurseries and children centres across Leeds and Bradford.
Richard has 30+ years’ experience in personnel, particularly around pay related matters and terms and conditions. Richard began his career following his degree in Politics and Modern Languages. Richard joined the Staffing and Personnel Service within the Leeds Education Department and until March 2017 was the Employment Services Manager for Leeds City Council, Business Support Centre.
Richard is also a long-standing Corporate Governance professional and is a governor in two primary schools. Richard is the Company Secretary for The Aireborough Learning Partnership Trust and The Leeds Learning Alliance.
Richard became a certified and accredited data protection practitioner in 2018 and uses his thorough knowledge of the schools and wider educational environment to provide appropriate support, guidance and advice as designated Data Protection Officer.
Interesting Fact: Richard speaks fluent French. Richard also loves the sunshine more than anyone we have ever met!

John Bywater
Business Lead
John has had a local authority career/ background spanning over 30 years. John is a chartered accountant by trade (CIPFA) but can turn his hand to most things (except DIY).
John worked for Leeds City Council in senior roles for the last 15 years, including his appointment to Head of Finance for Children’s and Schools.
John has programme managed large schemes of work and is experienced in the staff management of large teams.
John is our Business Lead, ensuring the Service Level Agreement process for both HR and GDPR is managed effectively and efficiently. John loves a spreadsheet! John is a recently appointed Co-opted Governor for a Leeds Primary School.
Interesting Fact: John is a huge Beatles fan and has also met the American singer-songwriter Dean Friedman in person ‘Lucky Stars’. John firmly believes that he was a dog in a former life and loves running after any ball large or small!

Alison Cowan
Team Administrator
Alison has over 30 years’ local government experience working as a HR Adviser. Alison joined the education HR sector 4 years ago, working as our HR Administrator.
Alison is the organiser behind our client portal and time recording and supports the team on all administrative processes, she also supports the Business Lead with financial admin support.
Alison is especially skilled in her knowledge of the National Joint Council (NJC) for Local Conditions of Service relating to Support Staff.
Interesting Facts: Alison loves the great outdoors and on a weekend is usually climbing big hills or hunting waterfalls. Alison is also a fabulous swimmer and swims like a shark!